
Aazadi – The Play participation

A World Class Theatre Presentation: An educational device


  • A world class activity, which made a new world record in theatre presentation. Aazadi (play is based on the freedom struggle in India from the year 1857 to 1947, written by Dr. Raghava Prakash, is a unique activity in the world theatre by any institution involving 1200 to 1600 newly inducted students.
  • The students rehearse for about fifteen days, along with their regular subject classes.
  • This play provides them a platform for not only a hilarious performance but also gives them encouragement to open up, confidence to face the spectators, to articulate in a forceful voice, to establish a fierce eye contact, to feel a vibration in the mind and in body, to internalize the strength of truth and non-violence, deep commitment, mass participation sacrifice and a constant positive hope for a triumph in life, in spite of many debacles, hurdles, odds, weaknesses and moments of apathy and impassivity.
  • Aazadi is a very effective extra-curricular activity which transforms the students and the teachers into a more vigilant, studious, patient, innovative and bold learner. Having performed in this activity, many students appear to become a pathfinder of truth in life forever.

Aazadi is not a drama, it is a pedagogical device in PIC.