The process of continuous assessment and evaluation of the students are the key factors for designing and performing all the curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Learning is an ongoing process and it is our precious learning that the achievements in academic field cannot be a point of satisfaction but co-curricular activities like teaching math, reasoning, general knowledge and development of soft skills like— analytical thinking, creating new concepts and expressing them explicitly. So, PIC has developed a regular evaluation system for Math, Reasoning, English & GK subjects also.
PIC has developed a continuous monitoring system interweaving the learning and evaluation systems side by side, that has revolutionized the whole college education system.
The college constantly revises its programme execution through the classroom observations, bi-weekly OMR tests, class tests, term tests, pre-university tests; objective type tests and written tests.
Tests on OMR sheets are arranged fortnightly as per examination calendar.
Results are declared on same day or the next day. Test papers are analyzed in the class regularly.