

Parishkar International College recognizes the significance of hands-on learning in the field of science and has established state-of-the-art laboratories to support its students’ educational journey. The college is equipped with a range of relevant science laboratories that provide students with practical experience and a deeper understanding of scientific principles.

These laboratories cover diverse disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, and environmental science. Each laboratory is equipped with modern apparatus, instruments, and safety measures to ensure a conducive learning environment.

Students have the opportunity to conduct experiments, analyze data, and develop critical thinking skills through hands-on activities. The college’s commitment to relevant science laboratories enables students to bridge the gap between theory and practice, preparing them for successful careers in scientific research, healthcare, and other related fields. The laboratories at Parishkar International College serve as essential spaces for students to explore, inquire, and cultivate a passion for the sciences, fostering their growth as aspiring scientists and professionals.



  • Chemistry Labs
  • Physics Labs
  • Zoology Labs
  • Botany Labs
  • Geography Labs
  • Computer Labs
  • Language Labs


Botany labs

  • Botany deals with the course content of plant sciences and the utility of plants in relation to mankind. Botany is significant to acquire a gist of the fundamentals of science in itself to fully appreciate how botanical knowledge is useful in several areas of human life.
  • Botany labs are well equipped, contains following instruments like: Dissecting Microscope, Compound, Microscope, various Specimen, Permanent Slides for identification, Glass wares like Beakers, Conical flasks, Petridis, Watch glass, Slides, Cover slip, Glass rod, Staining bottles, Test Tubes and Plastic wares like Wash bottles, Droppers etc. Botany lab also contains with staining reagents for dissecting materials also.
Botany Lab PICa
  • College has also facilitated the botany students with botanical garden to encourage research on varieties of plants, Gannon’s respirometer, Monometer, Arc Auxanometer, Photometer.
Chemistry Lab PIC

Chemistry Labs

  • Chemistry labs have been settled with a set of the equipment’s, apparatuses and facilities significant for the encouragement of a better research environment in the college.
  • These are designed as modern laboratories , equipped with all kinds of available facilities like: normal and distilled water available as the main solvent, Bunsen Burners with LPG Gas, 150 essential chemicals, equipment’s of aluminum, plastic and glassware, test tubes, Boiling tubes, funnels, test tube stand, Burette, Burette stands, pipettes, Reagent bottles, Conical flasks, Volumetric flask etc.
  • All are of international standards.

Physics Lab

  • The College have well equipped modern laboratories for the department of Physics.
  • These labs are equipped with all kinds of basic and advance instruments useful for the students. There are all kinds of tools available for fundamental knowledge of physics like: Ammeters, Voltmeters, wires etc. There are various essential instruments for a researcher in the lab like Young’s Modulus of Elasticity which is comprised of Screw gazes, Laclansche cells, Carey Foster’s Bridges, Polarimeters, Maximum Power transfers etc.

Zoology Lab

Zoology laboratories are well equipped with the following set of instruments like: Dissecting Microscope, Compound Microscope, various Specimen, Permanent identifying Slides, Wax trays, Enamel trays, Haemometer, Haemo cytometer, forceps, needle, Glass wares like: beakers, Conical flasks, Petridish, Watch glass, Slides, Cover slip, Glass rod, Staining bottles, Test tubes, and Plastic wares like: Wash bottles, Droppers Chemicals like: Ethanol, Borax Carmine, Auto Carmine, Hemato Xylene, Eosin, DPX, Tollen Reagent, Gantian Reagent, Benedict Reagent, Gram’s Iodine, Ninhydrine, Scodan Dye, Haemato Xylene, Fehling Solution, Millions Reagent, Mercuric Sulphate, Sodium Nitrate etc. and dissecting material and permanent preparation materials are provided by the college.

Geography Lab

The Department of Geography for its postgraduate course has been engaged on a wide range of research topics. The college has set up a state-of-the-art laboratory for its ambitious aspirants. Geography is a discipline concerned with environment and natural flora and fauna connected with the physical and natural structure. It is important to understand the fundamentals of geography to appreciate the origin of the universe as well as its significance in itself. Geography deals with the course content of climate, environment and the utility of geography in relation to the living beings.


The department of geography is equipped with a wide range of instruments like: 3-D Maps, Atlas, charts, modlus, metric chain, metaled wire taps, arrows of chain, plumbob, trough compass, ranging rod, prismatic compass, spirit level, tripod stand, plain table, frock with plumbob, alidade, thumb pins, Indian pattern clinometer, Abney level, Dumpy level, Staff, Theodolite, Stereoscope, Computer, Globe, Max & min thermometer, Dry & wet bulb thermometer, Anaroide barometer, Solar system, Fesses of moon, Rain gage, Wing Vane, Toposheets, World, Asia, India and Rajasthan Political & Physical Wall maps, models V-shape valley, U-shape valley, Gorge, Fault, Delta and Charts to enhance the analytical skills in the students regarding research.

Computer labs

The college has set up a computer lab with a leading-edge technology. It has the capacity of 70 computers based on the latest configuration and networked with a centralized Server to provide FTP and Internet facility. Overall we are having a setup of 150 computers including labs, classrooms and back office support services. The institution has made available the facility to maintain online UPS-03 nos. 05-06 KV each to manage electricity failure.


The computer laboratory is having Internet connection of 10 Mbps Internet connection on Fiber optic under NMEICT (NMEICT is a landmark initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development) and 2 Mbps leased line connection of Tata Teleservices Limited and also secured through UTM (Cyberoam) to provide access to faculty as well as students in Lab. Also having Wi-Fi facility to almost area in campus.

Computer is a technical discipline having significance in all walks of life as a subject, as well as utility to mankind. Every lecture room is equipped with personal computer with over headed LCD projector connected with centralized FTP Server and having Internet facility.