Three Day Residential Orientation Camp (P.D.)

  • PIC provides theatre, drama, music, painting, discussions, debates, writing exercises, open house discussions, games & sports, excursions & visits, lab works, carnivals, exhibitions, extension lectures of experts and so on which vibrates inner self of each Parishkar student.
  • All these activities bring out the students from his/her own shell from the subjects, from books and from the set mind sets and examination patterns. This varied exposure gives sublimation to his/her vision, targets, performances and success celebrations. In PIC the student constructs his/her own personality in his/her own way.

Three-day residential orientation camp

Before the commencement of the teaching programme, every student has to attend the three-day residential camp in the college campus which happens to be extremely joyful. This three-day orientation programme is a unique event at PIC. The aim of this programme is to remove fear and hesitation regarding the new college and the new life itself. Focus is on how to understand himself/herself, to shine the self-image, to do SWOC (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges) analysis, to fix and concentrate on the concrete targets, to come out for a serious struggle for self-development and to evolve himself/herself into an analytical, thinking person etc. The impact of the PD camp is so immense that the students become comfortable, positive, pro-active and creative in their overall behavior.

Contents of the module work on PD Camp

  • To develop their communication skills, they are encouraged to participate in drama and other opinion expressing activities and role plays.
  • Ice-breaking activities play an important role in helping young students to remove their hesitation, fear and make them cheerful and positive to integrate and connect with one another in a group environment. It also stimulates cooperation and participation.
  • To develop their memory and behavioral skills, they are encouraged to participate in different games such as name game, speed game, mobile game etc.
  • They watch videos and films on sensitive issues and morals.
  • To develop creative skills, they are provided with exercises which challenge them to think creatively e.g. error finding, playing the numbers etc.
  • They participate activities like alphabet game, storytelling, making a tree etc in which they think together and solve their problems collectively and creatively.
  • Students are encouraged to think over proper friendship, proper use of mobile, internet, opposite gender relations, use of books, time management, punctuality etc. All these things are important assets, for their development, so these should not be converted into a curse of their life.
  • The interests, special abilities regarding games, sports, drama, music, debate, painting, NCC, NSS are identified in the camp itself and students are exposed to various activities later in the academic session.

Impact of PD Camp

PIC’s orientation programme is a unique rich activity which creates positive change in the students and the impact of this programme is so immense that the students become comfortable, positive, disciplined, pro-active and creative in their overall behavior which gives a boost to their development in future. In the beginning students hesitate in joining the camp and in the end they request to extend the duration of the camp.